Bio-neuromodulation technology

Bio-neuromodulation is a cutting-edge approach to wellness that leverages advanced molecules to interact with your body’s nerve receptors. This natural and innovative technology activates cellular functions to provide targeted relief and improve overall health. By addressing the root causes of discomfort and imbalances, bio-neuromodulation ensures long-lasting benefits without harmful side effects.


How Does It Work?

Our bio-neuromodulation technology is embedded in our advanced oral drops, which are designed to

Relieve: Quickly alleviate symptoms such as pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

Repair: Support the body's natural healing processes by targeting affected cells and tissues.

Regenerate: Promote cellular regeneration for sustained health and vitality.

This is achieved through the precise interaction of bio-neuromodulator molecules with nerve receptors, ensuring optimal results while your body is at rest.

Key Benefits

Natural Relief: Provides effective relief from anxiety, muscle pain, period cramps, digestive issues, and skin concerns.

Non-Invasive: No harsh chemicals or invasive procedures.

Holistic Approach: Aligns with the principles of Ayurveda to support overall well-being.

Our Products Featuring Bio-Neuromodulation

1. Tranquil Tonic: Overnight relief from anxiety and intense panic.

2. Muscle Mercy: Dual-action drops to ease muscle pain and inflammation naturally.

3. Gut Reset: Improves digestion and alleviates bloating with targeted nerve interaction.

4. Period Pacifier: Nourishes and relieves period pain and cramps within an hour.

5. Acne SOS: Reduces redness and itch while transforming skin health within a week.

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Our products

Amiy Muscle Mercy ProductMuscle Mercy 100% relief within 1 hour Naturally from muscle and joint pain and inflammation oral drops
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For Muscle & Joint Pain. Bio-neuromodulation Paincare Dual-action advanced oral drops

Rs. 3500 Rs. 4000
Amiy Tranquil Tonic ProductTranquil Tonic 100% relief within 1 hour Naturally from anxiety, panic, stress oral drops
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For Anxiety, Fear or Panic. Bio-neuromodulation Paincare Dual-action advanced oral drops

Rs. 3500 Rs. 4000
Amiy Acne SOS ProductAcne SOS 100% relief within 1 hour Naturally from itch, redness & inflammation oral drops
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For Acne free face. Bio-neuromodulation Paincare Dual-action advanced oral drops

Rs. 3500 Rs. 4000
Amiy Gut Reset ProductGut Reset 100% relief within 1 hour Naturally from bloating, indigestion & pain oral drops
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For Bloating, Indigestion, Stomach Pain. Bio-neuromodulation Paincare. Dual-action advanced oral drops

Rs. 3500 Rs. 4000
Amiy Period Pacifier ProductPeriod Pacifier 100% relief within 1 hour Naturally from period pain, cramps & discomfort oral drops
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For Pain-free Periods. Bio-neuromodulation Paincare. Dual-action advanced oral drops

Rs. 3500 Rs. 4000

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